Convergence analysis of scipy’s Runge-Kutta methods for ODE IVP#

Evaluation of relative quadrature error with the following parameters:

eq_names = [
    "y'' = -y"          ,
    "y'' = - exp(y)"    ,
    "y'' = xy"          ,
    "y' = Az; z' = By"  ,

method_names = [
    "RK45"  ,
    "RK23"  ,
    "Radau" ,
    "BDF"   ,
    "LSODA" ,

The following plots give the measured relative error as a function of the number of quadrature subintervals
Relative error on integrand y'' = -y, Relative error on integrand y'' = - exp(y), Relative error on integrand y'' = xy, Relative error on integrand y' = Az; z' = By

Error as a function of running time
Relative error as a function of computational cost for equation y'' = -y, Relative error as a function of computational cost for equation y'' = - exp(y), Relative error as a function of computational cost for equation y'' = xy, Relative error as a function of computational cost for equation y' = Az; z' = By

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.407 seconds)

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