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Convergence analysis of Runge-Kutta methods for ODE IVP#
Evaluation of relative quadrature error with the following parameters:
eq_names = [
"y'' = -y" ,
"y'' = - exp(y)" ,
"y'' = xy" ,
"y' = Az; z' = By" ,
implicit_methods = {
f'{rk_name} {order}' : choreo.scipy_plus.multiprec_tables.ComputeImplicitSymplecticRKTablePair_Gauss(order,method=rk_name) for rk_name, order in itertools.product(["Gauss"], [2,4,6,8])
# f'{rk_name} {order}' : choreo.scipy_plus.multiprec_tables.ComputeImplicitSymplecticRKTablePair_Gauss(order, method=rk_name) for rk_name, order in itertools.product(["Radau_IIA"], [2,3,4,5])
explicit_methods = {
rk_name : getattr(globals()['precomputed_tables'], rk_name) for rk_name in [
'McAte4' ,
'McAte5' ,
'KahanLi8' ,
'SofSpa10' ,
scipy_methods = [
"RK45" ,
"RK23" ,
"DOP853" ,
"Radau" ,
"BDF" ,
The following plots give the measured relative error as a function of the number of quadrature subintervals
Error as a function of running time