Benchmark of FFT implementations available as scipy backends#

This benchmark compares execution times of several FFT functions using different scipy backends. The plots give the measured execution time of the FFT as a function of the input length. The input length is of the form 3 * 5 * 2**i, so as to favor powers of 2 and small divisors.

def fft(x):

def rfft(x):

def dct_I(x):
    N = x.shape[0]
    n = N // 2 + 1

def dst_I(x):
    N = x.shape[0]
    n = N // 2 - 1

def dct_III(x):
    N = x.shape[0]
    n = N // 4

def dst_III(x):
    N = x.shape[0]
    n = N // 4

all_args = {
    'n' : np.array([4*3*5 * 2**n for n in range(15)])           ,
    'backend' : [backend_name for backend_name in all_backends] ,

all_funs = [
    # fft     ,
    rfft    ,
    # dct_I   ,
    # dst_I   ,
    # dct_III ,
    # dst_III ,

n_repeat = 10

all_times = pyquickbench.run_benchmark(
    all_args                    ,
    all_funs                    ,
    setup = setup               ,
    n_repeat = n_repeat         ,
    filename = timings_filename ,
    title = 'Absolute timings'  ,

plot_intent = {
    'n' : 'points'              ,
    'backend' : 'subplot_grid_y',

    all_times                   ,
    all_args                    ,
    all_funs                    ,
    show = True                 ,
    plot_intent = plot_intent   ,
backend : scipy, backend : MKL
relative_to_val = {
    'backend' : 'MKL'                   ,
    pyquickbench.fun_ax_name : "rfft"    ,

    all_times                   ,
    all_args                    ,
    all_funs                    ,
    show = True                 ,
    plot_intent = plot_intent   ,
    relative_to_val = relative_to_val       ,
    title = 'Relative timings wrt MKL fft'  ,
Relative timings wrt MKL fft, backend : scipy, backend : MKL

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