Source code for tests.test_NBodySyst

""" Tests properties of :class:`choreo.NBodySyst`

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: _generated/
    :template: tests-formatting/base.rst



import pytest
from .test_config import *
import numpy as np
import scipy
import choreo

[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", AllConfigNames_list) def test_create_destroy(name): """ Tests initialization and destruction of NBodySyst. """ NBS = load_from_config_file(name) NBS.nint_fac = 2 NBS.nint_fac = 3 NBS.nint_fac = 5 NBS.nint_fac = 2 del NBS
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_all_pos_to_segmpos(NBS, float64_tols): """ Tests whether ``all_pos`` and ``segmpos`` agree. Tests: * Whether the unoptimized track ``params_buf`` => ``all_pos`` => ``segmpos_noopt`` and the optimized track ``params_buf`` => ``segmpos_cy`` agree. * That ``all_pos`` and ``segmpos`` respects all symmetry constraints. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) # Unoptimized version all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf) all_pos = scipy.fft.irfft(all_coeffs, axis=1, norm='forward') NBS.AssertAllSegmGenConstraintsAreRespected(all_pos, pos=True) NBS.AssertAllBodyConstraintAreRespected(all_pos, pos=True) segmpos_noopt = NBS.all_to_segm_noopt(all_pos, pos=True) # Optimized version segmpos_cy = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos_noopt - segmpos_cy)) assert np.allclose(segmpos_noopt, segmpos_cy, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) for Sym in NBS.Sym_list: assert NBS.ComputeSymDefault(segmpos_cy, Sym) < float64_tols.atol
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_all_vel_to_segmvel(NBS, float64_tols): """ Tests whether ``all_vel`` and ``segmvel`` agree. Tests: * Whether the unoptimized track ``params_buf`` => ``all_vel`` => ``segmvel_noopt`` and the optimized track ``params_buf`` => ``segmvel_cy`` agree. * That ``all_vel`` and ``segmvel`` respects all symmetry constraints. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) # Unoptimized version all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf) NBS.all_coeffs_pos_to_vel_inplace(all_coeffs) all_vel = scipy.fft.irfft(all_coeffs, axis=1, norm='forward') NBS.AssertAllSegmGenConstraintsAreRespected(all_vel, pos=False) NBS.AssertAllBodyConstraintAreRespected(all_vel, pos=False) segmvel_noopt = NBS.all_to_segm_noopt(all_vel, pos=False) # Optimized version segmvel_cy = NBS.params_to_segmvel(params_buf) print(np.linalg.norm(segmvel_noopt - segmvel_cy)) assert np.allclose(segmvel_noopt, segmvel_cy, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) for Sym in NBS.Sym_list: assert NBS.ComputeSymDefault(segmvel_cy, Sym.TimeDerivative(), pos = False) < float64_tols.atol
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_segmpos_to_all_pos(NBS, float64_tols): """ Tests going from ``segmpos`` to ``all_pos`` and back. Tests: * Whether the track ``params_buf`` => ``segmpos`` => ``all_pos`` => ``all_coeffs`` => ``params_buf`` is the identity. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) all_pos = NBS.segmpos_to_all_noopt(segmpos, pos=True) all_coeffs = scipy.fft.rfft(all_pos, axis=1, norm='forward') params = NBS.all_coeffs_to_params_noopt(all_coeffs) print(np.linalg.norm(params_buf-params)) assert np.allclose(params_buf, params, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_capture_co(float64_tols, NBS): """ Checks consistency of parameters definition for :math:`c_o`. Tests whether the parameter corresponding to the imaginary part of the coefficient of index 0 in the Fourier expansion is included only if it needs to be. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 nnz = [[] for il in range(NBS.nloop)] for il in range(NBS.nloop): nnz_k = NBS.nnz_k(il) params_basis_pos = NBS.params_basis_pos(il) if nnz_k.shape[0] > 0: if nnz_k[0] == 0: for iparam in range(params_basis_pos.shape[2]): if np.linalg.norm(params_basis_pos[:,0,iparam].imag) > float64_tols.atol: nnz[il].append(iparam) for il in range(NBS.nloop): co_in = NBS.co_in(il) for iparam in range(co_in.shape[0]): assert not(co_in[iparam]) == (iparam in nnz[il])
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @ProbabilisticTest() @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_round_trips_pos(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests whether several ways of going back and forth in the chain ``param_buf`` => ``segmpos`` indeed give the same result. Tests: * That ``all_pos`` => ``segmpos`` => ``all_pos`` is the identity. * That ``all_coeffs`` => ``all_pos`` => ``all_coeffs`` is the identity. * That ``params_buf`` => ``all_coeffs`` => ``params_buf`` is the identity. * That ``params_buf`` => shifted ``all_coeffs`` => ``params_buf`` is the identity. * That ``all_coeffs`` => shifted ``params_buf`` => ``all_coeffs`` is the identity in cases where it makes sense (i.e. no invariance wrt space orientation reversing transformations). """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf) all_pos = scipy.fft.irfft(all_coeffs, axis=1, norm='forward') segmpos = NBS.all_to_segm_noopt(all_pos, pos=True) all_pos_rt = NBS.segmpos_to_all_noopt(segmpos, pos=True) print(np.linalg.norm(all_pos_rt - all_pos)) assert np.allclose(all_pos, all_pos_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) all_coeffs_rt = scipy.fft.rfft(all_pos, axis=1,norm='forward') print(np.linalg.norm(all_coeffs_rt - all_coeffs)) assert np.allclose(all_coeffs, all_coeffs_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) params_buf_rt = NBS.all_coeffs_to_params_noopt(all_coeffs) print(np.linalg.norm(params_buf - params_buf_rt)) assert np.allclose(params_buf, params_buf_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) segmpos_cy = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) params_buf_rt = NBS.segmpos_to_params(segmpos_cy) print(np.linalg.norm(params_buf - params_buf_rt)) assert np.allclose(params_buf, params_buf_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) dt = np.random.random() all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf, dt=dt) params_buf_rt = NBS.all_coeffs_to_params_noopt(all_coeffs, dt=dt) print(np.linalg.norm(params_buf - params_buf_rt)) assert np.allclose(params_buf, params_buf_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) IsReflexionInvariant = False for Sym in NBS.Sym_list: IsReflexionInvariant = IsReflexionInvariant or (Sym.TimeRev == -1) if not IsReflexionInvariant: all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf) dt = np.random.random() params_buf_rt = NBS.all_coeffs_to_params_noopt(all_coeffs, dt=dt) all_coeffs_rt = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf_rt, dt=dt) print(np.linalg.norm(all_coeffs - all_coeffs_rt)) assert np.allclose(all_coeffs, all_coeffs_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @ProbabilisticTest() @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_round_trips_vel(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests whether several ways of going back and forth in the chain ``param_buf`` => ``segmvel`` indeed give the same result. Tests: * That ``all_vel`` => ``segmvel`` => ``all_vel`` is the identity. * That ``all_coeffs`` => ``all_vel`` => ``all_coeffs`` is the identity. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 # Else it will sometime fail for huge symmetries params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf) NBS.all_coeffs_pos_to_vel_inplace(all_coeffs) all_vel = scipy.fft.irfft(all_coeffs, axis=1, norm='forward') segmvel = NBS.all_to_segm_noopt(all_vel, pos=False) all_vel_rt = NBS.segmpos_to_all_noopt(segmvel, pos=False) print(np.linalg.norm(all_vel_rt - all_vel)) assert np.allclose(all_vel, all_vel_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) all_coeffs_rt = scipy.fft.rfft(all_vel, axis=1, norm='forward') print(np.linalg.norm(all_coeffs_rt - all_coeffs)) assert np.allclose(all_coeffs, all_coeffs_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_changevars(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests properties of change of variables of parameters. Tests: * That ``params_mom_buf`` => ``params_pos_buf`` => ``params_mom_buf`` is the identity. * That ``params_pos_buf`` => ``params_mom_buf`` => ``params_pos_buf`` is the identity. * That scalar poducts are conserved by the (dual) change of variables. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_mom_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) params_pos_buf = NBS.params_changevar(params_mom_buf, inv=False, transpose=False) params_mom_buf_rt = NBS.params_changevar(params_pos_buf, inv=True, transpose=False) print(np.linalg.norm(params_mom_buf - params_mom_buf_rt)) assert np.allclose(params_mom_buf, params_mom_buf_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) params_pos_buf_dual = np.random.random((NBS.nparams_incl_o)) params_mom_buf_dual = NBS.params_changevar(params_pos_buf_dual, inv=False, transpose=True) dot_mom =, params_mom_buf_dual) dot_pos =, params_pos_buf_dual) print(abs(dot_mom - dot_pos)) assert abs(dot_mom - dot_pos) < float64_tols.atol assert 2*abs(dot_mom - dot_pos) / (dot_mom + dot_pos) < float64_tols.rtol # ################################################################################################## params_mom_buf = NBS.params_changevar(params_pos_buf, inv=True, transpose=False) params_pos_buf_rt = NBS.params_changevar(params_mom_buf, inv=False, transpose=False) print(np.linalg.norm(params_pos_buf - params_pos_buf_rt)) assert np.allclose(params_pos_buf, params_pos_buf_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) params_mom_buf_dual = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) params_pos_buf_dual = NBS.params_changevar(params_mom_buf_dual, inv=True, transpose=True) dot_mom =, params_mom_buf_dual) dot_pos =, params_pos_buf_dual) print(abs(dot_mom - dot_pos)) assert abs(dot_mom - dot_pos) < float64_tols.atol assert 2*abs(dot_mom - dot_pos) / (dot_mom + dot_pos) < float64_tols.rtol
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_params_segmpos_dual(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests invariance of dot product by the transformation ``params`` => ``segmpos``. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) segmpos_dual = np.random.random((NBS.nsegm,NBS.segm_store,NBS.geodim)) params_buf_dual = NBS.segmpos_to_params_T(segmpos_dual) dot_params =, params_buf_dual) dot_segmpos =, segmpos.reshape(-1)) print(abs(dot_params - dot_segmpos)) assert abs(dot_params - dot_segmpos) < float64_tols.atol assert 2*abs(dot_params - dot_segmpos) / (dot_params + dot_segmpos) < float64_tols.rtol
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_kin(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests computation of kinetic energy. Tests: * That optimized and non optimized computations of kinetic energy give the same result. * Idem for the gradient of the kinetic energy. * That the gradient of the kinetic energy agrees with its finite difference approximation. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf) kin = NBS.all_coeffs_to_kin_nrg(all_coeffs) kin_opt = NBS.params_to_kin_nrg(params_buf) assert abs(kin - kin_opt) < float64_tols.atol assert 2*abs(kin - kin_opt) / (kin + kin_opt) < float64_tols.rtol kin_grad_params = NBS.params_to_kin_nrg_grad(params_buf) kin_grad_coeffs = NBS.all_coeffs_to_kin_nrg_grad(all_coeffs) kin_grad_params_2 = NBS.all_coeffs_to_params_noopt(kin_grad_coeffs, transpose=True) assert np.allclose(kin_grad_params, kin_grad_params_2, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) def grad(x, dx): return, dx) err = compare_FD_and_exact_grad( NBS.params_to_kin_nrg , grad , params_buf , dx=None , epslist=None , order=2 , vectorize=False , ) assert err.min() < float64_tols.rtol
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @ProbabilisticTest(RepeatOnFail=2) @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_nozerodiv_dict.items()]) def test_pot(float64_tols_loose, NBS): """ Tests computation of potential energy. Tests: * That the gradient of the potential energy agrees with its finite difference approximation. * That the hessian of the potential energy agrees with its finite difference approximation. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) def grad(x,dx): return, dx) dx = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) err = compare_FD_and_exact_grad( NBS.params_to_pot_nrg , grad , params_buf , dx=dx , epslist=None , order=2 , vectorize=False , ) print(err.min()) assert (err.min() < float64_tols_loose.rtol) err = compare_FD_and_exact_grad( NBS.params_to_pot_nrg_grad , NBS.params_to_pot_nrg_hess , params_buf , dx=dx , epslist=None , order=2 , vectorize=False , ) print(err.min()) assert (err.min() < float64_tols_loose.rtol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @ProbabilisticTest(RepeatOnFail=2) @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_nozerodiv_dict.items()]) def test_action(float64_tols_loose, NBS): """ Tests computation of the action. Tests: * That the gradient of the action agrees with its finite difference approximation. * That the hessian of the action agrees with its finite difference approximation. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) def grad(x,dx): return, dx) dx = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) err = compare_FD_and_exact_grad( NBS.params_to_action , grad , params_buf , dx=dx , epslist=None , order=2 , vectorize=False , ) print(err.min()) assert (err.min() < float64_tols_loose.rtol) err = compare_FD_and_exact_grad( NBS.params_to_action_grad , NBS.params_to_action_hess , params_buf , dx=dx , epslist=None , order=2 , vectorize=False , ) print(err.min()) assert (err.min() < float64_tols_loose.rtol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_nozerodiv_dict.items()]) def test_resize(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests nested properties of Fourier spaces on positions. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 small_segm_size = NBS.segm_size params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf) all_pos = scipy.fft.irfft(all_coeffs, axis=1, norm='forward') segmpos_noopt = NBS.all_to_segm_noopt(all_pos, pos=True) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos - segmpos_noopt)) assert np.allclose(segmpos, segmpos_noopt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) fac = 4 new_nint_fac = fac * NBS.nint_fac params_buf_long = NBS.params_resize(params_buf, new_nint_fac) NBS.nint_fac = new_nint_fac long_segm_size = NBS.segm_size segmpos_long = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf_long) all_coeffs = NBS.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf_long) all_pos = scipy.fft.irfft(all_coeffs, axis=1, norm='forward') segmpos_long_noopt = NBS.all_to_segm_noopt(all_pos, pos=True) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos_long - segmpos_long_noopt)) assert np.allclose(segmpos_long, segmpos_long_noopt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos[:,:small_segm_size,:] - segmpos_long[:,:long_segm_size:fac,:])) assert np.allclose(segmpos[:,:small_segm_size,:], segmpos_long[:,:long_segm_size:fac,:], rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_nozerodiv_dict.items()]) def test_action_indep_resize(float64_tols_loose, NBS): """ Tests that action is left **similar** by resizing. .. note:: This test is very susceptible to false positives. It should be replaced by a better test. """ Passed_any = False ntries = 100 err = np.zeros((ntries,4)) for itry in range(ntries): Passed = True nint_fac_short = 5 nint_fac_mid = 200 nint_fac_big = nint_fac_mid*2 NBS.nint_fac = nint_fac_short params_buf_short = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) params_buf_mid = NBS.params_resize(params_buf_short, nint_fac_mid) params_buf_big = NBS.params_resize(params_buf_short, nint_fac_big) NBS.nint_fac = nint_fac_mid kin_nrg = NBS.params_to_kin_nrg(params_buf_mid) pot_nrg = NBS.params_to_pot_nrg(params_buf_mid) NBS.nint_fac = nint_fac_big kin_nrg_big= NBS.params_to_kin_nrg(params_buf_big) pot_nrg_big= NBS.params_to_pot_nrg(params_buf_big) err[itry,0] = abs(kin_nrg - kin_nrg_big) err[itry,1] = 2*abs(kin_nrg - kin_nrg_big) / abs(kin_nrg + kin_nrg_big) err[itry,2] = abs(pot_nrg - pot_nrg_big) err[itry,3] = 2*abs(pot_nrg - pot_nrg_big) / abs(pot_nrg + pot_nrg_big) Passed = Passed and err[itry,0] < float64_tols_loose.rtol Passed = Passed and err[itry,1] < float64_tols_loose.rtol Passed = Passed and err[itry,2] < float64_tols_loose.rtol Passed = Passed and err[itry,3] < float64_tols_loose.rtol Passed_any = Passed_any or Passed if Passed_any: break if not(Passed_any): print(err) assert Passed_any
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_repeatability(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests that computing ``params_buf`` => ``segmpos`` twice give the same result. """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) params_buf_cp = params_buf.copy() print(np.linalg.norm(params_buf - params_buf_cp)) assert np.allclose(params_buf, params_buf_cp, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) segmpos_2 = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos - segmpos_2)) assert np.allclose(segmpos, segmpos_2, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_ForceGeneralSym(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests that computations results are independant of :meth:`choreo.NBodySyst.ForceGeneralSym`. Tests that the following computations are independant of :meth:`choreo.NBodySyst.ForceGeneralSym`: * ``params`` => ``segmpos`` * ``params`` => ``segmvel`` * ``segmpos`` => ``params`` * ``segmpos`` => ``params_T`` """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) NBS.ForceGeneralSym = False segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) segmvel = NBS.params_to_segmvel(params_buf) params = NBS.segmpos_to_params(segmpos) params_T = NBS.segmpos_to_params_T(segmpos) NBS.ForceGeneralSym = True segmpos_f = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) segmvel_f = NBS.params_to_segmvel(params_buf) params_f = NBS.segmpos_to_params(segmpos) params_T_f = NBS.segmpos_to_params_T(segmpos) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos - segmpos_f)) assert np.allclose(segmpos, segmpos_f, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) print(np.linalg.norm(segmvel - segmvel_f)) assert np.allclose(segmvel, segmvel_f, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) print(np.linalg.norm(params - params_f)) assert np.allclose(params, params_f, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) print(np.linalg.norm(params_T - params_T_f)) assert np.allclose(params_T, params_T_f, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @ProbabilisticTest(RepeatOnFail=2) @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) def test_ForceGreaterNstore(float64_tols, NBS): """ Tests that computations results are independant of :meth:`choreo.NBodySyst.ForceGreaterNStore`. Tests that the following computations are independant of :meth:`choreo.NBodySyst.ForceGreaterNStore`: * ``params`` => ``segmpos`` * ``params`` => ``action_grad`` * ``params`` => ``action_hess`` """ NBS.ForceGreaterNStore = False NBS.nint_fac = 10 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) dparams_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) segm_store_ini = NBS.segm_store segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) action_grad = NBS.params_to_action_grad(params_buf) action_hess = NBS.params_to_action_hess(params_buf, dparams_buf) NBS.ForceGreaterNStore = True assert NBS.segm_store == NBS.segm_size + 1 assert NBS.GreaterNStore segmpos_f = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) action_grad_f = NBS.params_to_action_grad(params_buf) action_hess_f = NBS.params_to_action_hess(params_buf, dparams_buf) for isegm in range(NBS.nsegm): print(isegm, np.linalg.norm(segmpos[isegm,:NBS.segm_size,:] - segmpos_f[isegm,:NBS.segm_size,:])) assert np.allclose(segmpos[isegm,:NBS.segm_size,:], segmpos_f[isegm,:NBS.segm_size,:], rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) print(np.linalg.norm(action_grad - action_grad_f)) assert np.allclose(action_grad, action_grad_f, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) print(np.linalg.norm(action_hess - action_hess_f)) assert np.allclose(action_hess, action_hess_f, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) NBS.ForceGreaterNStore = False assert segm_store_ini == NBS.segm_store segmpos_nf = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) action_grad_nf = NBS.params_to_action_grad(params_buf) action_hess_nf = NBS.params_to_action_hess(params_buf, dparams_buf) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos - segmpos_nf)) assert np.allclose(segmpos, segmpos_nf, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) print(np.linalg.norm(action_grad - action_grad_nf)) assert np.allclose(action_grad, action_grad_nf, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) print(np.linalg.norm(action_hess - action_hess_nf)) assert np.allclose(action_hess, action_hess_nf, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @ProbabilisticTest(RepeatOnFail=2) @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS", [pytest.param(NBS, id=name) for name, NBS in NBS_dict.items()]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", ["scipy", "mkl", "fftw", "ducc"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ForceGeneralSym", [True, False]) def test_fft_backends(float64_tols, ForceGeneralSym, backend, NBS): """ Tests that computations results are independant of :meth:`choreo.NBodySyst.fft_backend`. Tests that the following computations are independant of :meth:`choreo.NBodySyst.fft_backend`: * ``params`` => ``segmpos`` * ``segmpos`` => ``params`` """ NBS.nint_fac = 10 NBS.fft_backend = "scipy" NBS.fftw_planner_effort = 'FFTW_ESTIMATE' NBS.fftw_wisdom_only = False NBS.fftw_nthreads = 1 params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) segmpos_ref = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) NBS.ForceGeneralSym = ForceGeneralSym NBS.fft_backend = backend params_buf_cp = params_buf.copy() segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf_cp) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos - segmpos_ref)) assert np.allclose(segmpos, segmpos_ref, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) params_buf_rt = NBS.segmpos_to_params(segmpos) print(np.linalg.norm(params_buf - params_buf_rt)) assert np.allclose(params_buf, params_buf_rt, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) NBS.ForceGeneralSym = False NBS.fft_backend = "scipy"
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @ProbabilisticTest(RepeatOnFail=2) @pytest.mark.parametrize("NBS_pair", [pytest.param(NBS_pair, id=name) for name, NBS_pair in NBS_pairs_dict.items()]) def test_action_cst_sym_pairs(float64_tols, NBS_pair): """ Tests that computations results are independant of the prescribed symmetries. Tests that the following computations results are independant of the prescribed symmetries: * ``all_coeffs`` => ``kinetic energy`` * ``params`` => ``kinetic energy`` * ``params`` => ``potential energy`` * ``params`` => ``action`` * ``params`` => ``path_stats`` """ NBS_m, NBS_l = NBS_pair # m => more symmetry. l => less symmetry assert NBS_m.nint_min > NBS_l.nint_min assert NBS_m.nint_min % NBS_l.nint_min == 0 nint_fac = 10 NBS_m.nint_fac = nint_fac NBS_l.nint = NBS_m.nint params_buf_m = np.random.random((NBS_m.nparams)) all_coeffs = NBS_m.params_to_all_coeffs_noopt(params_buf_m) params_buf_l = NBS_l.all_coeffs_to_params_noopt(all_coeffs) kin_m = NBS_m.all_coeffs_to_kin_nrg(all_coeffs) kin_l = NBS_l.all_coeffs_to_kin_nrg(all_coeffs) print(abs(kin_m - kin_l)) assert abs(kin_m - kin_l) < float64_tols.atol kin_m = NBS_m.params_to_kin_nrg(params_buf_m) kin_l = NBS_l.params_to_kin_nrg(params_buf_l) print(abs(kin_m - kin_l)) assert abs(kin_m - kin_l) < float64_tols.atol pot_m = NBS_m.params_to_pot_nrg(params_buf_m) pot_l = NBS_l.params_to_pot_nrg(params_buf_l) print(abs(pot_m - pot_l)) assert abs(pot_m - pot_l) < float64_tols.atol act_m = NBS_m.params_to_action(params_buf_m) act_l = NBS_l.params_to_action(params_buf_l) print(abs(act_m - act_l)) assert abs(act_m - act_l) < float64_tols.atol segmpos_m = NBS_m.params_to_segmpos(params_buf_m) segmvel_m = NBS_m.params_to_segmvel(params_buf_m) segmpos_l = NBS_l.params_to_segmpos(params_buf_l) segmvel_l = NBS_l.params_to_segmvel(params_buf_l) loop_len_m, bin_dx_min_m = NBS_m.segm_to_path_stats(segmpos_m, segmvel_m) loop_len_l, bin_dx_min_l = NBS_m.segm_to_path_stats(segmpos_l, segmvel_l) for il in range(NBS_m.nloop): print(abs(loop_len_m[il] - loop_len_l[il])) assert abs(loop_len_m[il] - loop_len_l[il]) < float64_tols.atol bin_dx_min_m.sort() bin_dx_min_l.sort() for ibin in range(NBS_m.nbin_segm_unique): print(abs(bin_dx_min_m[ibin] - bin_dx_min_l[ibin])) assert abs(bin_dx_min_m[ibin] - bin_dx_min_l[ibin]) < float64_tols.atol
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings def test_custom_inter_law(float64_tols): """ Tests that custom interaction laws are correctly handled. """ geodim = 2 nbody = 3 bodymass = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) bodycharge = np.array([4., 5., 6.]) Sym_list = [] # Classical gravity_pot inter_law = scipy.LowLevelCallable.from_cython(choreo.cython._NBodySyst, "gravity_pot") NBS = choreo.NBodySyst(geodim, nbody, bodymass, bodycharge, Sym_list, inter_law) params_buf = np.random.random((NBS.nparams)) action_grad_grav = NBS.params_to_action_grad(params_buf) # Parametrized power_law_pot inter_law_str = "power_law_pot" inter_law_param_dict = {'n':-1., 'alpha':1.} NBS = choreo.NBodySyst(geodim, nbody, bodymass, bodycharge, Sym_list, None, inter_law_str, inter_law_param_dict) action_grad = NBS.params_to_action_grad(params_buf) print(np.linalg.norm(action_grad_grav-action_grad)) assert np.allclose(action_grad_grav, action_grad, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) # Python pot_fun def inter_law(ptr, xsq, res): a = xsq ** (-2.5) b = xsq*a res[0] = -xsq*b res[1]= 0.5*b res[2] = (-0.75)*a NBS = choreo.NBodySyst(geodim, nbody, bodymass, bodycharge, Sym_list, inter_law) action_grad = NBS.params_to_action_grad(params_buf) print(np.linalg.norm(action_grad_grav-action_grad)) assert np.allclose(action_grad_grav, action_grad, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol) inter_law_str = """ def inter_law(ptr, xsq, res): a = xsq ** (-2.5) b = xsq*a res[0] = -xsq*b res[1]= 0.5*b res[2] = (-0.75)*a """ NBS = choreo.NBodySyst(geodim, nbody, bodymass, bodycharge, Sym_list, None, inter_law_str) action_grad = NBS.params_to_action_grad(params_buf) print(np.linalg.norm(action_grad_grav-action_grad)) assert np.allclose(action_grad_grav, action_grad, rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize(("NBS", "params_buf"), [pytest.param(NBS, params_buf, id=name) for name, (NBS, params_buf) in Sols_dict.items()]) def test_periodicity_default(float64_tols, NBS, params_buf): """ Tests that Fourier periodic solutions have zero periodicity default. """ NBS.ForceGreaterNStore = True segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) xo = np.ascontiguousarray(segmpos[:,0 ,:].reshape(-1)) xf = np.ascontiguousarray(segmpos[:,-1,:].reshape(-1)) dx = NBS.Compute_periodicity_default(xo, xf) ndof = dx.shape[0] assert np.allclose(dx, np.zeros((ndof), dtype=np.float64), rtol = float64_tols.rtol, atol = float64_tols.atol)
[docs] @ParametrizeDocstrings @pytest.mark.parametrize("NoSymIfPossible", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("LowLevel", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("vector_calls", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize(("NBS", "params_buf"), [pytest.param(NBS, params_buf, id=name) for name, (NBS, params_buf) in Sols_dict.items()]) def test_ODE_vs_spectral(NBS, params_buf, vector_calls, LowLevel, NoSymIfPossible): """ Tests that the Fourier periodic spectral solver agrees with the time forward Runge-Kutta solver. """ NBS.ForceGreaterNStore = True segmpos = NBS.params_to_segmpos(params_buf) action_grad = NBS.segmpos_params_to_action_grad(segmpos, params_buf) action_grad_norm = np.linalg.norm(action_grad, ord = np.inf) tol = 100 * action_grad_norm ODE_Syst = NBS.Get_ODE_def(params_buf, vector_calls = vector_calls, LowLevel = LowLevel, NoSymIfPossible = NoSymIfPossible) nsteps = 10 keep_freq = 1 nint_ODE = (NBS.segm_store-1) * keep_freq method = "Gauss" rk = choreo.scipy_plus.multiprec_tables.ComputeImplicitRKTable_Gauss(nsteps, method=method) segmpos_ODE, segmvel_ODE = choreo.scipy_plus.ODE.SymplecticIVP( rk = rk , keep_freq = keep_freq , nint = nint_ODE , keep_init = True , **ODE_Syst , ) segmpos_ODE = np.ascontiguousarray(segmpos_ODE.reshape((NBS.segm_store, NBS.nsegm, NBS.geodim)).swapaxes(0, 1)) print(np.linalg.norm(segmpos - segmpos_ODE)) assert np.allclose(segmpos, segmpos_ODE, rtol = tol, atol = tol)